To Jasmine, From Cat

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Done By: Augustine Lesiuk

Alan never felt this miserable since he was born. After 2 tormenting years of high school, he finally found love and now he’s too cowardly to confess it to her. Jasmine is the name of that girl, one of the prettiest girls in his grade. With her long brownish hair, big bluish eyes, and beautiful face, she attracts most of the guys in high school.

“So far you’re lucky that she’s not into anyone yet, but time’s running out,” said Alan, talking to himself as he walks his way home.

“But what can I do? She’s refused the popular guys in my grade, why would she choose a loser like me?” Alan continued to talk to himself.

“That’s because you’re smarter and nicer than those jerks.”

“I’m not smart, my physics is failing and my math teachers are starting to hate me.”

“Well, at least you’re nicer. Just try to talk to her and everything will be fine.”

“What makes you think it’ll be that easy?”

“What makes you think that it’ll be that hard?”

While distracted, Alan trips from a crack on the sidewalk and falls on the trash next to him. Dirt and leftover food covered his hair and clothes.

“Because I can’t do anything right…”said Alan to finish his self argument.

Once he got out of the trash, the people on the same sidewalk stay away from him due to the smell. When he reaches his home, Alan noticed that a cat has been following him. The smell of his cloths must’ve attracted it. The brown tabby has a collar on, so it belonged to somebody. The tabby cat began meowing at Alan, obviously begging for food. Alan, having a soft spot for cats, pulled out his leftover lunch from his bag and gave the cat some pork and rice. The car happily ate the pork and purrs when Alan scratches behind its ears.

“If only I could be as carefree as you,” said Alan.

Looking up, he saw Jasmine’s white colored house, which was really close to his. He always imagined himself to walk up to her green door with some flowers, wearing a suit and ask her on a date. But he knew if he tried that, he’ll be shivering as if he’s naked in winter. The cat left Alan once it’s done eating and Alan entered his house after it left.

The next day, Alan saw the posters that are set up all over the school. Prom is coming in less than a week, and everyone is trying to get a date. While walking down the hallway, Alan saw Jasmine being followed by at least 10 boys, all asking her out.

“It won’t be long until she gets a date for prom. And after she gets a date, all hope of asking her out will be gone,” Alan said.

When everyone left school to go back home, Alan met the tabby cat again, in front of Jasmine’s house. He fed it some leftover chicken this time. Once its finish, the cat walked right through Jasmine’s gate and waited in front of Jasmine’s green door. When the door opened, Alan quickly hides and saw that Jasmine picked up the cat.

“That cat belongs to her? She must’ve like cats too,” Alan said.

Suddenly, a thought came up in Alan’s head. He came up with a solution to his problems and a chance for him to ask her out. When he returned home, he searched for the love letters he wrote for Jasmine that he never sent. Jasmine always has piles and piles of love letters by the other boys in high school both by mail and email. Before, Alan thought that sending his letters would just be ignored like the other boys, so he never tried to.

“But now I have a messenger, I hope it works,” Alan said.

The next day after school, Alan found Jasmine’s cat waiting for him to feed it more leftovers. So Alan gave it fish and while it happily ate the fish, he folded one of his love letters into the cat’s collar. When it was done, it walked back to Jasmine’s house. While hiding, Alan saw Jasmine pick up her cat and notice his letter.

Alan couldn’t tell if Jasmine hated or like the letter, but he saw her walking towards her gate. In panic, Alan quickly ran back to his house, hoping she didn’t see him. Before he reaches his door, a voice called to him “You’re Alan right?”
Alan turned and saw Jasmine in a white dress. She looked like an angel Alan thought.
“Umm….Yeah…” Alan said while shaking.

“Are you feeding my cat?” she said.

“Y-yeah… I-I fed him with m-my leftover lunches.”

“Well, would you please not do that? My cat will get fat,” She said.

Alan’s heart sank. I messed up! He thought. I made her mad, now she’ll never go out with me! Forcing himself to say something, he said,” Y-yeah, S-sorry…I won’t do that a-again.”

“Alright, and this is your letter?” she said while holding out his letter.

“Y-yes,” he said.

“It’s a nice letter. Not like all of the other letters I’ve been reading. You’re really honest aren’t you?” she said.

“I-I try to be,” he said.

“Good. Well, I have to go, see you tomorrow, Alan,” she said.

As Jasmine began walking away, a growing feeling inside Alan gave him the courage to shout out”, Wait!”

Jasmine turned back and looked at him. Alan shook even more, but he managed to say, “W-will y-you g-g-go out with m-me?”

Jasmine pause for a moment then said, “Sure, you seem to be quite a nice guy. See you at prom night.”

After Jasmine left, Alan cheered in happiness. His cheering got interrupted by Jasmine’s cat that came up to him. Alan picked the cat up and kissed it in the back.

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” he said happily.

This is the dawn of a new life for Alan and it’s all thanks to this brown tabby cat.


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