
Monday, November 1, 2010

By: Monditz Leramorn


A box that can grant any wish. The legend states that this box is hidden from people’s eyes and has a will of its own. One who seeks power shall never find it. This box contains the power to change anyone’s life and here it is in my hands.

March 14th

The closing ceremony of the school has come to an end. Summer break began as my 2nd year in high school ended. The cherry blossoms are in full bloom at the time of the year. As I walked pass the trees I saw something that changed my life forever.
A box that could grant any wish? Hah you got to be kidding me no one would believe that this kind of box even existed in the legends, and suddenly here is it in my bedroom. This is got to be a prank from someone I know. As I picked up the box I looked at it and began to feel dizzy and hear voices flowing in my head. Do you know what reality is? Can you make a difference in the world? What is your wish? This must be a hallucination I must be imagining things I repeated to myself multiple times as I put the box on the shelf and fell asleep.

Chapter 1 (Reality or a dream??)
Its morning as the alarm clock told me as I stretched myself on the bed. It was summer vacation and nothing to do. I hopped out of bed and went in the bathroom, got changed and left the house. The weather was so hot burning hot; the sun up so high in the sky shining down on everyone. I walked to the nearest arcade in town as I passed by……. She just suddenly walked up to me and whispered in my ears. You have something that is rightfully mines hand it over and I won’t kill you. She had a knife in her hands; I reacted quickly and dodged the first thrust. I ran away as fast as my feet could take me and here I am in front of the school gate.
My heart won’t stop beating as terrified as I am I looked around to see if I was followed by anybody. When I turned around again I saw her walking toward me.
“I don’t have anything you want; I think you got the person mistaken. Please calm down we can talk about this right?” I shouted out the word that was in my mind at that moment.
She walked closer and closer while I had no more energy to move I just sat there looking at her move closer to me. She took the knife and stabbed me right on the heart. I thought to myself, such misfortune. What did I do to deserve this? I felt the pain spreading throughout my body then everything became black.

Chapter 2 (Never ending dream)
I woke up shocked. “I’m not dead” I was so surprised to see no wounds at my chest. Nothing has happened. I looked at the calendar and the watch it was still the first day of summer vacation. It was only a nightmare. I felt relieved then I heard the door bell ring. *ding dong ding dong* I got changed quickly and ran down the stairs and opened the door. There she is right in front of me, the exact same girl as in my nightmare standing right in front of me.
I ran into the house as I saw her as quickly as I can. I ran into the kitchen and picked up a knife and hid it in my pants. Then walked back to the front door, “Come in” I said politely to her. As she walked into the house she said nothing and walked straight to the living room. Then right at that moment I saw her carrying a bag with her. I was a container in the bag my mind went blank as I thought of the nightmare I just had then everything just gone black again.
When I gained consciousness I saw myself lying on the floor of my living room holding a bloody knife. I had stabbed the girl. I looked inside the plastic bag, it was only a note and a gift. I opened the note quickly. It seemed the girl just moved into our neighborhood yesterday so she wanted to bring a gift…….
The world around me started to fade away as I was sitting on the ground. Everything went black again.

Epilogue (The truth revealed)
I woke up again on the same day and same time as I did. I remembered everything the time I got killed and the time I killed the girl. What is the truth frustrated in all ways I picked up the black box on my shelf and threw it on the ground real hard. The box vanished out of my sight and I fell unconscious. I woke up again it was the same day as everything happened. I tried to think it over many times can this still be a dream. I ran down stairs and then the girl came in again.
You can never tell a dream apart from reality cause there alike you’ll never be able to escape from the whirlwind of time because you are just a character in a story.


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